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    Sustainable by experience

    Since 1985. LIVING CRAFTS was already on the scene when sustainable fashion was still a small niche. Since then, we have been one of the defining brands in the industry. A brand that once began out of the garage with organic socks is today one of the most comprehensive suppliers of environmentally friendly textiles.

    Local | Global
    LIVING CRAFTS is based in the small Bavarian town of Selbitz. Our products are developed here, our administration is working here, and most importantly, our warehousing with shipping is taking place here. Our products are produced all over the world. From Lithuania to Turkey to India, and now and then also in Germany. LIVING CRAFTS is bought and worn in many European countries. And also regularly beyond the borders of our continent.

    Ecological | Different
    LIVING CRAFTS is aiming to offer alternatives. For you as a consumer, for our environment, and for the people who make your clothes and home textiles. Alternative ways in which you can trust. Through GOTS-certified products, and through CO2 compensation with renowned partners.

    Quality | Fashion
    Quality is back in fashion. Durability is in demand again. Fashion is expected to look good well beyond a single season. All this has always been our philosophy at LIVING CRAFTS. High quality clothing, basics that fit again and again, fashion that pleases for a long time.

    Everyday | Special
    Making every day special. That is our goal. Fashion trends that meet the demands of everyday life, designs that can be combined into ever new outfits, home textiles that make you feel good. Clothes that make the best impression at work, at leisure, and also on special occasions.

    Affordability | Significance
    Sustainable textiles will always be a bit more expensive than "fast fashion." However, high quality clothing that is manufactured in ecologically and socially responsible ways, can only make a difference if it goes from being the exception to the rule. LIVING CRAFTS collections are developed on the principle of offering high quality at affordable prices. So that you can afford sustainable clothing for every day.

    Eco | For every day
    LIVING CRAFTS is part of the dennree group of companies. The dennree family also includes the “Denns BioMärkte”, which are part of many townscapes in Germany and Austria. LIVING CRAFTS is also available in many other organic shops. Together, we enable a sustainable lifestyle, in harmony with people and nature.